We write business plans for US and Canadian immigration, and help entrepreneurs grow and raise capital.

attorney paperwork

How NIWs are similar to the 'Advance to Go, Collect $200" Monopoly Card

You know the feeling: Advance to Go, collect $200, leave everything and everyone behind.

Did you win the game? Not really. But the drive and sensation you get is something worth experiencing at least once. They make you feel unstoppable.

Well, National Interest Waivers are a lot like getting the “Advance to Go” card. In many ways even better. Waaaay better.

With a National Interest Waiver the U.S. government gives you the opportunity to skip all spaces and Advance to Go. NIWs let you forego the red tape of the immigration process and Advance to Go. You are too good to be rolling the dice, moving your token, and counting spaces.

Having such a wild card brings its set of requirements. The absolute, most important one? Proving to authorities that your proposed endeavor – a well-defined undertaking – has both substantial merit and national importance.

At Visa Business Plans we develop research-backed projects quantifying the prospective impact of an applicant’s proposed endeavor. Our Impact Analysis reports are fully customized documents that have helped dozens of attorneys and their clients obtain their highly coveted NIWs. As pioneers in providing this kind of evidence, our Impact Analysis report is one item neither applicants nor attorneys knew they needed when applying for a NIW.

Want to discuss further? Contact us today at 305.777.0228 for a free consultation.
