We write business plans for US and Canadian immigration, and help entrepreneurs grow and raise capital.

National Hispanic Heritage Month

Fun Facts About Hispanic Heritage Month

Every year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 through October 15.

National Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens who are descended from immigrants. These immigrants came to America from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America.

The recognition of Hispanic heritage was first observed in the United States in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson. The celebration was expanded to National Hispanic Heritage Month in 1988 under President Ronald Reagan. The expansion occurred with the approval of Public Law 100-402 on August 17, 1988, recognizing the 30 days starting on September 15 and ending on October 15 as a month-long observation.

The timing of National Hispanic Heritage Month is notable. The month-long observation begins on September 15, the date when Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua gained their independence. Furthermore, Mexico (September 16) and Chile (September 18) also mark the anniversaries of their independence during this time.

National Hispanic Heritage Month also encompasses Columbus Day, or Dia de la Raza, on October 12. This date marks the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the New World in 1492 and celebrates the cultural fusion of indigenous American and Spanish heritage.

Visa Business Plans celebrates the cultures and contributions of the Hispanic population throughout the United States and globally. We are proud to have helped thousands of Hispanic entrepreneurs add to this extraordinary legacy by launching businesses in America that continue to thrive while creating jobs and enriching the culture across the country.

Visa Business Plans is led by Marco Scanu, a certified coach from the University of Miami with a globally-based practice coaching Fortune 1000 company executives, entrepreneurs, as well as professionals in 4 different continents. Mr. Scanu advises clients on turnaround strategies and crisis management.

Mr. Scanu received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (Cum Laude) from the University of Florida and an MBA in Management from Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Mr. Scanu was also a Visiting Scholar at Michigan State University under the prestigious H. Humphrey Fellowship (Fulbright program) with a focus on Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital, and high-growth enterprises.

At present, Mr. Scanu is the managing partner and CEO at Visa Business Plans, a Miami-based boutique consulting firm providing attorneys and investors with business planning services in the areas of U.S. and Canadian immigration, SBA loans, and others.


[1] https://www.census.gov/newsroom/stories/hispanic-heritage-month.html
