We write business plans for US and Canadian immigration, and help entrepreneurs grow and raise capital.


Do you plan to immigrate to the USA? Don't do this

We have all heard stories of immigration experiences, both good and bad. Some of us have that friend that immigrates, and everything turns out simple and easy. Others immigrate, and every step of the process seems to go wrong. These friends will remind us of the joke: “Do you want to return to your country with 1 million dollars? Migrate with 2 million!”

No doubt, each of these individuals has stories to tell. But the experiences suffered by friends and acquaintances, whether positive or negative, does not make them experts or authorities in the field. More and more, we find that we should not view the individual experiences of others who have immigrated as the norm. It is important when entering the immigration process not to look to friends who have gone through this process for guidance or advice. This is because the industry of business immigration is becoming increasingly complex and deep, making unique experiences and results more and more likely.

It is incredible how many clients we have assisted that have based their immigration plan on what a friend has recommended. When inquiring if the friend is a lawyer, we always get the same answer: “No.”

It would take dozens of posts to share the horror stories that we have heard from clients who have followed the recommendations of a friend. Although certainly charged with good intentions, these friends are not qualified to guide another in his or her migratory efforts. So why follow the advice of an underqualified individual in your professional life? Or would you allow yourself to be operated on by a ‘doctor’, without any title, who has only performed one procedure?

This friend has only lived one case. They do not handle the thousands of cases we handle, as professionals in the world of business immigration. At Visa Business Plans, we stay apprised of the trends in additional requests for evidence, the unwritten norms of consulates, or the internal behavior of official bodies. We understand that no two cases are the same, and there is no template or prescribed approach to the immigration process.

Because the dynamics in the United States are constantly changing, each case will vary according to the political reality of the moment in which it is lived. The investor who applied under President Obama's mandate was not evaluated in the same way as the investor who currently applies under the leadership of President Trump. Furthermore, the lawyer that worked for your friend is not necessarily the lawyer that will work for you. The focus of the case that served your friend will surely not be the approach that works best for you.

Therefore, take the advice of your friend, as the Americans say, “with a grain of salt.” Listen to it, but always make your decisions based on your research, your needs, and your own conclusions. But, most importantly, surround yourself with professionals who have proven experience in the area of ​​immigration: lawyers who have been trained to understand and apply the law in the United States and are regulated by the American government to carry out their practices following strict guidelines. Working with professionals is an additional protection for you.

We work with more than 500 lawyers throughout the country, each with different specializations and profiles. Call us today and we will gladly contact you with those that are aligned with your needs and requirements. Remember that obtaining professional support when immigrating not only raises your chances of success, but also identifies possible risks and obstacles that can be easily overcome with the right advice.
