Business Plan Assessment
A visa business plan is a specialized document. While having similarities to business plans in general, it has fundamental differences that will make or break a business visa application and should be approached with foresight and care. An early assessment of a potential business plan can incalculably aid the basic decision to embark upon the costly and sometimes stressful business visa process. Saving money with a quick and dirty submission and trading quality for expediency on a business plan can doom the visa application. By previewing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and potential pitfalls of the business plan and identifying solutions to perceived problems, our business plan assessments both define realistic expectations and carve a path toward success. We can also analyze an existing business plan to identify and remedy any gaps between its current content and what is desirable to maximize chances of success.

Stay In The Know
Recent Blogs & Articles-
What Does Your Online Presence Say About Your Business? Immigration Officers Are WatchingView Article
- English,
- Immigration
Could Your Business Visa Be at Risk? Signs to Watch ForView Article
- English,
- Immigration
Common Financial Mistakes That Could Jeopardize Your VisaView Article
- English,
- Immigration
Our Process
You fill out a
questionnaire or
provide answers over
the phone with our
VIP service -
Using our 77-point
quality assurance checklist,
we analyze your case
as an immigration or
consular officer would -
We provide suggestions
in line with your
industry and based on immigration adjudication
standards -
We identify red flags
that can jeopardize
your visa petition
and discuss them
with your attorney -
We deliver a business plan
that is ready to be submitted
to USCIS and is subject to
the approval of you and
your attorney